Category: Writing

General subjects related to my writing

Human Rights: 10 Things You Didn’t Know

Human Rights: 10 Things You Didn’t Know

Happy Human Rights Day What Are Human Rights? Human rights are the fundamental freedoms belonging to everyone, just because they are human. They are applicable regardless of race, color, religion, nationality, or country of origin. Human Rights apply to everyone, no matter where they are from or how they live their lives. These rights are…

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The Unicoi Apple Festival in Erwin – Food for All with a few locals

The Unicoi Apple Festival in Erwin – Food for All with a few locals

The Apple Festival in Erwin, Tennessee is a classic local festival that has regional implications. The variety of food and craft vendors bring numerous visitors from the region and across the mountains from North Carolina. I have lived in the area all of my life. This is the first time I have ever been to…

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On Board

On Board

I’ve gotten on board and connected my fragmented free sites with one of my own name. I hope all can bear with me while I get everything back onto one page and all writings under one roof – as for my blogs, a few photos worth sharing or mentioning when posted elsewhere. I also plan…

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Writer for Hire

Writer for Hire

Lately I’ve become a writer for hire. I enjoy writing and have enjoyed good feedback thus far as I have a conversational writing style. My specialty at this point is content writing and B2B, with some B2C (that’s Business to Business and Business to Customer) and I have been successful lately writing for EMS journals…

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The Pokeberry War

The Pokeberry War

Just a bit of an overview of my book. It was my first attempt at writing a short story and is loosely tied to my work on “the farm”. It was in my younger days and we made plenty of mistakes back in those days in our quest for adventure. I was lucky enough to…

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Writing for the fun of it?

Writing for the fun of it?

Yes, I choose to write for the fun of it. It’s often a great way to express how we actually feel about a subject even when we aren’t really sure ourselves. It is a means to truly use some introspect and help sort out our feelings. To write is to open our soul for those…

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