Tis The Season for Introspection: 5 Things to Ponder This Holiday Season

Tis The Season for Introspection: 5 Things to Ponder This Holiday Season

The writer at work


As I ponder my work and drink my coffee, I can’t help but think about the trials and tribulations of the year. It is a good practice to consider at least five points during this season of love and giving.

1 – Are We Better Off Now Than Last Year?

While we tend to complain about the daily grind and how we never have time or the money for this or that, are we better off than we were this time last year? I know that overall, I am – but not in every category. While I’m bringing in more money than ever before, I’m also spending more than ever. Having a son in college, there are expenses… and unforeseen expenses that are also associated with that. My new son is also a new graduate and has undertaken his own business that his mother and I are helping him with – as free labor, especially when he is working is another job. It’s a toss-up. I’m busier than I’ve ever been and richer, yet poorer at the same time. I’m in a better place in one regard and feel all discombobulated in another. Am I the only one? I think not.

On the other hand, my 401k is humming right along with the economy. No issues there. If it wasn’t for the political turmoil who’d know there were any real problems in the country other than the lack of respect for the law and those who enforce it. It makes me angry that our society is changing so much in that regard.

2 – How Could We Have Been More Supportive?

I can’t help but wonder if I’ve been supportive enough to my children, wife, and colleagues as to whether or not I’ve been supportive enough of their positions and pursuits this past year. While I don’t think of myself as being selfish and demanding more from others or less of me for them, I could probably have given more of my time and efforts to my family, friends, and colleagues. I spend a significant amount of time on tasks not related to my primary income stream just to help make ends meet, and helping manage other home repairs and restorations while neglecting my own. I feel as I’m spreading myself way too thin at times. I tell myself this is only a temporary condition and shall strive to persevere!

3 – Did We Give Our Relationships The Time and Effort They Deserve?

Personally, I am torn between spending more time with my children and forcing them to spend time with me. I don’t feel I see them enough and pretty sure they do not feel the same. My time with my wife seems good, but quality time is often very hard with us both working at home and at work and with the one needing us to work his business.

My work relationships deserve more effort than I have been able to give them this year. While life is not all about work, it is about those we love. I still feel an obligation and should put forth more of an effort to help my colleagues and coworkers by putting forth more effort and research behind some of the ideas I put forth, or take their own work for granted at times. I’m working on this and hope to do better both within my department and those whom I serve.

4 – Did We Plan for The Future?

These words make me shiver as I near retirement a little more each year. It is becoming more noticeable as only one other consultant has been in our group longer than I have. When he retires, I’ll be the old man – even though I’m not the youngest. That is a double-edged item to ponder that I’d rather not get into. I’ve put in my time and actually eligible for full retirement, but to what end? My 401k and other investments have done well, yet my pension is not where I’d like it to be. I’m about twenty years from taking social security and have considered looking into another career or at least another employer with another retirement plan to supplement my current vestiture. What should I do?

I’m bringing in more money than ever before, and that effects my retirement income stream as my pension is based upon my highest earning years. I have at least another 20 years left in me yet my personal thoughts are that I’m becoming too comfortable in my job and may not be as effective as I should. Is there a way to circumvent that?

Working on the financial aspects of life, I’m using the Dave Ramsey snowball method to pay off debts and that is working just as well now as in the past. I highly recommend it and even reference it in my book Wealth: On The Installment Plan.

5 – Are We Learning From Our Mistakes?

I’m not sure about you, but I’ve definitely made quite a few mistakes this year, and learned hard lessons from them. I’ve spent a few thousand dollars on a marketing campaign with post-cards that netted me zero return, and a social media marketing group that also gave me a zero return on my financial services business. It would appear there are way too many financial advisors and banks rebranding their services and offering financial advice and brokerage services to keep up with my own marketing. This is an issue with my small firm and the limited resources available to me.

I’ve also run into issues where spending too much time procrastinating instead of just working on a project and figuring it out as I go along. It’s not an ideal situation but it seems that has given me more momentum to actually get things done than in the past. Perhaps we all think too much before we act?


As I ponder these five items it occurs to me that the biggest waste in my life is always time. We can’t ever get it back. Multi-tasking does not give the proper attention to tasks at hand, nor does half-hearted attempts to go through the motions just to get work done. It may be that the smart-phones we’ve attached ourselves too have been too smart for us at this juncture in our lives…at least for me.

I tend to use my phone for escaping boredom instead of productivity most of the time. We text or email when a call would be more efficient. Time spent one-on-one with our family and coworkers is much more productive, even though it does not appear so. The connectivity and social interaction help us bond tighter and unify our efforts, something that technology does not give us.

Family vacations and game-nights at home allow quality time for the minimal expense if done thoughtfully. I yearn for the simple times… yet quite enjoy the technological advances that have made our lives much easier to navigate. I’m sure at some point we’ll find the balance – even if others on society tell us otherwise.

Here’s to all of you! – A Toast!

Wishing you a very Happy Holiday Season! A Merry Christmas!… Happy Channukah!… and a Happy New Year!

Thank you for reading this through!

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